Have you ever scrolled through the internet and stumbled upon a picture of firm looking abs? Maybe you feel a sting of envy and then wonder if you can ever have such? Yes you can. If you have a body, no workout is impossible as long as you put your mind to it. Any Fitness lover knows that getting a flat tummy is not easy. Most especially in building ab muscles. If you have decided to work on your abs, be aware that it is not a quick process. However, be rest assured that you are in the right place. In four steps, you’ll be one step closer to getting those abs you desire without any equipment.
Bicycle Crunches
This type of crunch exercise isn’t as painful as other types of crunches. It’s easy to perform and anyone can do it. To do this workout, you will have to lie on your back on a yoga mat. Then you pull your knees towards your chest and pedal like you’re pedaling a bicycle. You have to imagine you’re riding a bicycle with your back flat on the ground.
Note: Contract your shoulder blade as you lift each leg, and your elbow should reach towards your opposite legs.
Planks (static planks)
This workout gets easier as you do it. For the first round, do it for 30 seconds. Lie on the yoga mat with your elbows under your shoulders and keep your elbows on the mat. This will help in lifting your whole body. Now lift your knees and push your feet back as you extend your legs straight out behind you. Make sure your body isn’t touching the mat and is raised up to a certain height. This workout strengthens your core and helps to burn belly fat.
Heel Touch
This exercise is relatively simple but you might need more strength due to the continuous movement. For this position, you have to lie on your back, and separate your knees. Then bend your knees to about a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the ground. Lift your head to crunch forward towards your torso. Start reaching one hand at a time towards your heels in a sideways motion. The heel touch helps target the oblique muscles, and you can feel your core as you do this workout.
Mountain Climbers
The mountain climber exercise helps in activating your muscles. Since you have done the plank exercise, this workout will be easy to perform. Start in a high plank position. This means you will raise your plank higher. Then pull your right knee to your chest. Switch legs by pulling one knee out as you bring the other in. This workout targets your core muscles.
You can do these 4 exercises at home and without any equipment. A yoga mat is important but if unavailable try to find a substitute for it because it relieves the impact you will make when you land. They are easy to perform and are not time consuming. Focus on achieving the goal, which is to get those abs. Be positive about working out and choose to think of it as a fun exercise rather than an exhausting one. No workout is impossible to do as long as you put your mind to it.
Additionally, you can incorporate these exercises with jump roping which is a full body cardio workout. See our core exercises for endurance.