Did you recently discover sustainability and are looking to take the step into making your home and purchases both eco-friendly and sustainable? We have carefully curated a list of clean, eco-friendly products for you to check out.
The home and beauty list
Ecotools dry brush:
Ecotools prides itself on its 100% cruelty-free and vegan-friendly products. They make all their packaging from biodegradable paper and use recycled aluminum and recycled plastic for their products. The eco tool dry brush gently exfoliates your skin, removes dry, flaky skin, and helps to promote blood circulation. The dry brush has a firm handle at the back that helps you to easily run it over your body. Get the products here.
Clan Earth’s eco-friendly essentials gift hamper
Clan Earth’s eco-friendly essentials gift hampers: whether gifting this hamper to yourself or friends and family, Clan Earth offers a range of sustainable and eco-friendly products. From Microgreens Growing Kit to a recycled paper pen, to a bamboo toothbrush, Clan Earth is there for sustainability. Their essential gift hampers offer you the chance to begin your sustainable and earth-friendly journey with a range of options for everyday items. They also create and sell non-hamper products like eco-friendly bags, notebooks, neem wood combs, coconut shell candles, and even steel straws. You can find their bags here:
Oparline Scented Candles
If you love scented candles, then Oparline is might be a good fit for you. Created from soy wax, and carefully extracted fragrances, this scented candle line is both strong-smelling and long-lasting. The candles come in reusable glass jars, and unlike paraffin wax, which is the most common type of wax used in most scented candles. Soy wax is produced by hydrogenating soybean oil into wax, meaning it contains no chemicals and is toxin free. Soy wax is also slower to burn and burns cleaner. They don’t produce the same black soot that paraffin wax does. Oparline’s candles also come in 100% recyclable, environmentally friendly paper bags. Access the candles here.
Reusable menstrual products
Menstrual cups:
While tampons are pretty easy and comfortable to use, they can be wasteful and possibly dangerous. Tampons, when left in too long, can lead to septic shock. While the cases of this happening aren’t frequent, tampons can move further into the vagina and get lost. They also need to be changed frequently, meaning you can’t use less than three a day or else you run the risk of infection. Menstrual cups, on the other hand, are reusable and sustainable. They are free from harmful chemicals and toxins that can upset your Ph balance. Menstrual cups also hold liquid and can be used for a longer period of time, at least up to 12 hours. They can also last for 10 years. So, not only do you get to save money every month on tampons or menstrual pads, you have about 5 to 6 cups that will serve you for years.
All Matters Menstrual Underwear
Have you ever heard of the term “free flow?” It is used to describe experiencing your period without using any product like a tampon or cup to block the flow. Free-flowing during your period can be pretty liberating, but it can also be messy. Menstrual underwear is a recent development that is probably about to become one of your all-time favorite products. Period panties as described by some as panties that are reusable, comfortable, and leak-free. They have built-in layers that help to absorb your flow, about 1-2 tampons worth, and that help to prevent odor. Get the All Matters Menstrual underwear here.