Are you frustrated? Disappointed? You’ve literally tried everything to meet your fitness goals and nothing is working? Well, I’d like you to ask yourself these questions first:
1. Have I REALLY tried EVERYTHING or does it just feel that way?
2. Am I doing the same things expecting different results?
3. Am I stepping out of my comfort zone and challenging myself and my body to take it to another level?
4. Am I being consistent with my plan or am I being inconsistent and expecting a miracle?
5. Am I letting my “cheat” or “rest” days overtake my productive days?
6. Am I crash dieting or actually trying to make a clean eating lifestyle for myself?
Possible Reasons you might not be seeing results:
a. You’re being repetitive: The same moves and exercise schedule lead to maintenance mode. Your body totally gets used to it, thus slowing down or stopping any further results
b. You aren’t doing enough: So you feel like you’re doing everything under the sun, and that was working at first. But when it stops working, what do you do?
c. You’re doing too much too fast: It’s also possible that you’re giving your body too much to comprehend. Start off small and build your way up so you don’t get burned out or overwhelmed. You have to start somewhere.
Ways to Fix it:
a. Add Variety: Mix up your workouts by changing the moves or completely replacing them with new ones. Different workouts = Different results
b. Add More: Add More? Coach Cass are you kidding me? Yes add more. It’s as simple as adding more reps or increasing the frequency/intensity
c. Slow Down: Give your body time to adjust to new diets and new habits. It will come around. No worries. Just stay consistent