Although wines shouldn’t be a routine part of your day-to-day, you can make exceptions for days when you wish to unwind and relax. When you think of red wines, what do you think of? Do you think of playfulness or joy? Perhaps you drink wine to feel sexual, sensual, and exotic. Or simply just to have a drink.
And if you are new to the wine scene well, do not fret. Red wines do not have to be the expensive, vintage type with ridiculous prices. There are equally good wines that are affordable and tasteful. Think shower, sweet-smelling body cream, an aromatic perfume, a robe, bathroom slippers, and a glass of wine. It can either be for self-care days or really just for unwinding. So here are our red wine recommendations:
Baron Romero
The first wine on the list is Baron Romero. Baron Romero is a classic and a fan favorite. Like most of the best wines that have been produced, Baron Romero is a Spanish red wine blended from specially selected grapes. It contains a gentle hint of blackcurrant and cherry, cloves, and cinnamon. The taste of the grapes is also pretty strong so it doesn’t taste like watered-down wine. It’s sweet and sour, and just enough to make your face scrunch up a little bit. Baron Romero red wines come in a 75cl bottle and have an 11% alcohol volume. It’s so sweet that you may polish off glass after glass, but pace yourself lest you get a hangover.
Don Simon Seleccion Tempranillo
Don Simon Seleccion Tempranillo is the next on the list. It is the most premium red wine of the brand. Don Simon is a pretty popular brand name. But think about the bottled wine not that in the paper packaging. When you raise up the glass of wine to your nose, you get hit by the intense smell of strawberry and cherry. This red wine, despite the name “red wine,” is actually purplish-red. It has a 13% alcohol volume. So if you are really looking to get drunk on wine, this is the wine for you. This red wine might remind you of some classic, old movie set in the countryside.
Baron de Valls
Although Baron de Valls is an equally good red wine, the taste is not as strong. It doesn’t hold an intense taste of alcohol, and it might frankly taste a little watered down for the wine aficionados. But this wine is pretty good for those who don’t appreciate the sour taste of red wines but still want to feel the effect. It is the perfect accompaniment to salads, chicken, turkey, or some veggies. It definitely doesn’t go well with chocolate. No wine does. it has an 11.5 alcohol percentage.
Bacchus red wine
And the last on this list is Bacchus red wine. Bacchus red wines are supposedly a rebirth of the original wine that the Greek god of wine, Dionysus, also known, according to the Romans as Bacchus, created. Then veteran winemakers on a pilgrimage stumbled upon a parchment detailing Bachus’ age-long secret wine recipe Now, this wine has an interesting back story. The backstory itself is enough to fascinate one enough to want to buy it. Although, not as strong tasting as Baron Romero, it still has a pretty sour note. And you can see the grape particles floating underneath or on the sides of your glass cup. Unfortunately, this wine isn’t as common as it should be. It has an alcohol percentage of 11. The wine contains sulfite for those with allergies.