Everyone dreams of living in a large apartment but what happens if this dream is not realized? What happens if your resources cannot allow you to rent that large apartment you have been dreaming of?
You might be a young professional who does not want to live with your parents any longer. What are the items you need that will prevent your apartment from looking too cluttered? Jumia House has compiled five quick suggestions on how to make use of the ‘tiny’ space you may have in your apartment:
Choice of Chairs – The type of furniture you select is likely to make your apartment more spacious or not. Instead of large couches which will take up more space, why not go for fold away chairs? Furniture with dual purposes, like a couch which also serves as bed, can also be considered. Such furniture can be put aside if they are not in use, saving you space.
- Be Creative – Living in a small apartment requires you being more creative than living in a larger apartment. You need to come up with creative ways of saving the little space that you have. For example, you can place the bed right by the wall to save you space. You can also place bookshelves strategically by the wall in order to create space for other items. The couch can also be placed in front of the bookshelf. You can also consider a bed which has a shoe rack underneath. And instead of keeping a large wardrobe, you can consider placing hooks behind your door for your clothes. A large basket can be placed under a table to keep miscellaneous items. Small space means thinking creatively.
- Selecting colors – When it comes to colors, be selective; choose very bright ones which will always make the space appear larger than it is. You can also create a feature wall which will shift the focus from the ‘chaos’ you might have in your room. Another trick to use is to select furniture that will be of the same color as the wall. This makes the furniture appear as part of the wall creating the impression that you are saving on space.
These three tips should help you save space when moving into a smaller apartment. Are you living in a small apartment? What are the tricks you used in keeping it spacious? Do share!