10 Natural DIY Products and Tips Needed for the Home


Let’s do something different this week. How about you making all the products you need to clean your home? This will not only save you money but enable you to keep your house free from toxins. These natural products can be used to clean bathrooms, work surfaces, sinks and also keep the house smelling fresh.

One common DIY project in many homes is using ash together with lime to scour metal buckets, making them shine brighter. Lamudi Ghana will take you through ways of basic cleaning products you need in your house and some products you make them with. Remember they are inexpensive:

  1. Baking soda – They serve as scouring agents that cleanse and keep the environment fresh at all times.
  2. White vinegar – One very essential liquid needed in every home is white vinegar. It is an acetic acid that gets rid of grease, dissolves mineral deposits and prevents molds from collecting in your house when used appropriately. It destroys soap scums especially when hard water is used.
  3. Fragrant oils – They serve as disinfectants and freshen up the room. There is no need to keep purchasing air fresheners; fragrant oils can serve that purpose.
  4. Lemon – Natural acidic fruit that kills bacteria and serves as a scouring agent especially when used with ash.
  5.  Corn starch – It is used to wash carpets and rugs, clean windows and can also be used on furniture to make them shine.
  6. Washing soda – It can be used to remove grease and stains from surfaces.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide – According to research, Hydrogen Peroxide has over 30 uses. It can be used as a cleansing or whitening agent. It removes dirt and stains and can serve as a disinfectant. When used on tiles, cutting surfaces, toilet bowls and tubs, hydrogen peroxide can remove scums.
  8. Alcohol – It is mostly used as a disinfectant.
  9. Borax – Borax is a cleansing agent that can be used to clean floors and walls.
  10. Water – This is the most important cleansing agent you need for your home. It is used as a base for almost every cleaning activity.

5 DIY home cleansing agents you can employ in your home

  1.  All-purpose cleansing agent – This cleansing agent can be prepared by mixing ½ gallon of water, ½ cup of baking soda and ¼ cup of vinegar. Use this to remove stains on all surfaces.
  2. Carpet stain remover – Put together ½ cup of water and ½ cup of white vinegar. Mix them in a spray bottle and spray directly on the stain. Use a sponge and warm water to wipe the stained area after applying the vinegar and water.
  3. Bathroom mold stain remover – Mix ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide with a cup of water in a spray bottle. Apply it to mouldy surfaces; wait for at least 30 minutes before washing it off with a sponge.
  4. Disinfectant – Mix 1 tablespoon of borax with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with 1 ½ cup of hot water. They can be used as disinfectants.
  5. Air freshener – Leave peels of lemon in the home. Also, boiling white vinegar while cooking strong smelling foods can keep the air fresh.

What other DIY cleaning agents do you use at home? Share them with us.