In as much as a lot women love fashion, some just dread the thought of it. For many, fashion is therapeutic – whether it’s walking down aisles of clothing or simply browsing through online collections of their favorite brands, the experience is remedial. Some just love the idea of expressing themselves through style, and yet for others, the experience is overwhelming. This is often true for those who haven’t quite figured out their personal style and struggle to put pieces together effortlessly. If you fall within this group and would like some advice on how to develop your own personal style, the following tips may be useful to you.
Identify your personality
No, this is not a deep therapy session but rather a useful step. If you know and understand your personality, you’re able to easily identify likes and dislikes. For instance, rarely would you see an introvert in bold, loud colors or styles. They tend to go for looks that are reserved and conservative, without compromising on being stylish.
Identify your colors
Some people will admit that they don’t have favorite colors, which is fine. But certainly there should be specific shades and tints of colors that when displayed next to others, you might choose. Start from there as these will be your shopping guide.
Know your body type
And how to highlight your best features. Questions to answer include: Are you rectangular/straight, triangular (pear), inverted triangle (apple) or hourglass shaped? Learn about the different female body types and what best fits each here.
How do you wear your hair?
Developing your personal style is almost like creating a brand, and when it comes to your body, hair plays a major role. Whether you’re a naturalista or prefer relaxed hair, stay true to the look with consistency. Over time, it’ll become associated with you.
Create your personal style book
Start this journey on Pinterest by searching for style inspiration to help you nail one for yourself.
Remember that your best accessory when developing personal style or dressing well is confidence. Without this, you can wear the most gorgeous clothes and still look unflattering in them.