How Important Are Multivitamins To A Woman’s Health?

multivitamins - image of sliced oranges and pomegranates

Are multivitamins necessary for every woman? Who should take them and when should they be taken? What about the highly advertised One-A-Day Women’s multivitamins? Should they be ignored? These are burning questions every woman should have answers to, so we reached out to our medical partner, Dr. Caleb Mawutor Dzunu, Family Physician, to provide some answers.   

Is it necessary

“Multivitamins may not be necessary for a woman who is disciplined with her diet and makes sure she incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables into it,” says Dr. Dzunu. 

“Over the years, due to several socioeconomic factors, some women have not been able to make the time and space to eat balanced meals. In such cases I would recommend a multivitamin in the recommended daily dose,” he clarifies. 

Additionally, Dr. Dzunu asserts that vitamins are important for nursing mothers as they help with maternal upkeep and ensures the mother’s body system functions properly. Vitamins also prevent a fetus from developing deformities during pregnancy; for example, folate lowers the risk of a baby developing neural tube defects. 


Should a new mother continue to take vitamins after childbirth? Dr. Dzunu says, “It depends on the nutritional state of the mother. The entire process of pregnancy and breastfeeding requires  multivitamins. In fact, pregnant  women and breastfeeding mothers stand the risk of not meeting their  daily requirements of multivitamins.” He recommends that women should continue to take multivitamins in the appropriate daily doses while breastfeeding.

According to Dr. Dzunu, women diagnosed with specific vitamin deficiency need that specific vitamin replacement. And those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cancer malabsorption conditions, for example, tend to have vitamin deficiencies. Similarly, the elderly and pregnant women require multivitamins. 

“I would also recommend multivitamins to women who are stressed and as a result are not able to pay attention to their diet,” Dr. Dzunu adds. These women may fall short in getting key nutrients needed for maintaining a healthy wellbeing. 

 It’s important to note that overdose of some vitamins may be harmful to the body and so it’s important to always check the label and take them as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist. It’s also imperative to be disciplined and ensure your diet is balanced. Multivitamins, according to Dr. Dzunu, should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.