Morning Routines and why They’re Important

Black woman shows her morning routines starts with a glass of water

Although some may consider morning routines to be outdated, they can be very helpful in setting the tone for the day. Such routines can help you get pumped up and ready to take on the world, even if you aren’t a morning person. And no, drinking a cup of coffee before zooming out of the house does not count as a routine. A routine is a sequence of actions done regularly. But why are they important?

What is it?

For most people, a typical morning routine includes waking up, laying in bed for a few minutes, making a cup of tea or coffee, doing some yoga, and then settling in to meditate. Afterwards, they get ready for the day. Others like to include journaling or listening to a podcast. Prioritizing your wellbeing when you wake up shows that you have chosen to care for yourself, support your growth and nurture your body and mind. This does not only move you closer to a place of self-love, but also better positions you to give and care for others. 

Your behaviors or emotions mirror how you feel on the inside. That is, when you feel good, relaxed, and refreshed, you may have more clarity to respond to life or life’s stressors with the greatest degree of calm. A healthy morning routine should include activities that help you create serene energy, connect you to your body, and make you feel good and ready for the day. This means you should engage in activities that make you feel happy, calm, and ready to take on the world.

Where to start

You should also listen to your body to determine what it requires. For some people, their day simply cannot start without exercising. While for others, there will always be time for yoga or jogging. It could be anything at all. A morning ritual is something that is unique to each individual. It has to be something that works for you. You should not engage in an activity only because you see others doing it. Spend some time sitting and listening to your body. What is it looking for? What does it want? Make room for your body to guide you. What you want to do may not always be what you have the energy or time to do.

Sometimes, there will be distractions. You cannot always predict how your day will start. But go with the flow and allow your wake up routine to shift and adjust along the way. Allow yourself to be flexible. Your day-to-day morning habits may never be the same, and that’s okay. You might miss a step and that’s okay too. As long as it achieves the intended outcome.