If you are one of those people who tend to approach goal setting by writing down the same goals, then these tips might be for you. Achieving goals can sometimes seem like such a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Try breaking down your intentions. Through the process of achieving them, you might just find yourself ticking off checkboxes on your list. Here are some recommendations for approaching goal setting from a practical perspective.
Scribble and get creative
Write them down: You don’t have to be goal oriented to do this. Writing down your intentions and manifestations will make them more likely to be achieved than those kept in memory. This is because the memory can be fickle at times, and your mind might be consumed by other things. You can also paste your list on a noticeable surface to give you a constant reminder.
Imbue the process with creativity and fun: Try to make the process of goal setting and achieving them as fun as possible. You can set up a reward system and give yourself a reward every time you achieve a goal. Sometimes, the severity of a situation can make it hard to get started or completed. Remove the undertone of seriousness to get closer to seeing your goal accomplished.
Take it easy
Break down the goals into mini tasks: By breaking down your targets into smaller, scalable tasks, you lessen the workload and weight of the goals themselves.
Find reasons why it will work instead of focusing on why it won’t work or why you won’t be able to achieve them. What you focus on magnifies. If you think you can’t do something, then you wouldn’t be able to do it. The only reason may be your lack of self belief.
Start with one thing at a time: Taking on too much workload might weigh on you and make you feel reluctant to start with anything. Sometimes, it could feel as though you might be unable to juggle all the activities at once, so why start at all? By taking it one step at a time and choosing to focus on one task first, you’re able to direct all your energy towards making just that one happen. Follow through with one task until completion.
One step at a time
Start with the most important task first: Choosing your priority is crucial. Which goal needs to be achieved sooner than the others? Then choose to do that one thing first. Starting with the most crucial task leaves room and breathing space for you to focus on the lesser tasks.
These tips are meant only to create a pathway for you to know where to start from. The real task, however, is pushing yourself to actually start taking actions towards activating your dreams.
You do not need to find the motivation before you start. Start before you are ready. There is great satisfaction in accomplishing the things you say you will.