Four Keys to Staying Motivated


Imagine being able to get yourself to a place where you’re charged and ready to take on the world, but only one problem persists: how to keep the fire burning. Everyone experiences this block from time to time; what is important, however, is to create a workable structure and ensure consistent follow-through.

  1. Set goals and targets for yourself. If you have a business idea that you’ve been unable to kick start due to procrastination, begin setting deadlines and goals for yourself. For example, make a list of the things you’d like to achieve every quarter and work towards them. If a quarter seems too long, set monthly goals and deadlines. You’ll find that you’re more organized and structured to carry out tasks that will get you closer to your end goal.


  1. Be realistic about what you want to accomplish. If the goals you’ve set for yourself are unrealistic to achieve, you’ll be demotivating yourself. If you can realistically accomplish one out of three goals per week then do that. Once you’ve accomplished the first goal, you’ll likely be motivated to start working on the next one.


  1. Connect with friends who are also working towards a goal. Share your goals with each other for accountability purposes. Set aside one day out of the week to catch up and see how well the other person is meeting their deadline and accomplishing set goals. The thought of being left behind could drive you to get in line if you’ve been slacking.


  1. Surround yourself with achievers and visionaries; they’ll inspire you to be same. Having big dreams and yet hanging out mostly with people without a vision is one of the biggest dreams killers. Not only do you need achievers and visionaries in your life, you also need genuine supporters. Take a look at your close circle of friends and ask yourself how many of them are achievers and visionaries? If you can’t name one person, it might be time to make some tough decisions.


What are some ways that you keep yourself motivated? Drop a comment below.