The Grey Career

Are you currently tired of living a life that can be categorized as black and white, where your professional life and passion are different? A kind of job that doesn’t give you any fulfillment but you find yourself doing it anyway? There’s good news folks: You can create the grey job for yourself. Yes grey, that is the color grey derived from mixing our professional life, the black, with your passion, the white.

Often times, due to unfavorable conditions we find ourselves in, we tend to settle for the job with the highest pay. But is it fulfilling?

Perhaps it is time to consider the grey life that challenges the way you think about work and encourages you to take risks in order to finally love what you do for a living: a work-balanced life.

The secret behind creating a successful blend, getting rid of unhappiness due to your career path or your job, and pretty much why you dislike Mondays is simple: Take the risk! The risk to blend and create a holistic life. We are talking about that work-life blend—mixing your personal and professional interests. If you’re into sports, but working in a hospital, perhaps there is a way for you to transition to doing both. Oftentimes, we don’t think about fulfillment and our personal self when we make professional choices.

It is time for women to brace up and rediscover the path to a grey life that incorporates both professionalism and passion. Our worth as women shouldn’t be shallow we can go deeper in excellence and at the same time enjoy who we are fishing in the deep sea of life instead of settling down for just anything that pays the bills.

Grey hair, they say, signifies wisdom. Choose to be wise.