The Healthy Eater’s Substitute For Seasoning Cubes

Seasoning cubes are key ingredients in meal preparation in most African homes, but they won’t beat homemade seasoning free of additives and preservatives. Most people learned to cook with seasoning cubes or grew up watching their mothers use them and as a result, food made without these seasonings is deemed tasteless. This couldn’t be far from the truth. In fact, natural seasoning has the ability to bring out fresh flavors in food. Here are options for substitutes.

  1. Broth: Seasoning cubes are supposed to give you the flavor of whichever ingredient they contain. Consider making your own broth by using chicken or meat originally planned for cooking. First, season the meat with dry herbs, salt, ginger, onions and garlic. Fill the pot with enough water to maintain the flavor of the liquid and leave to boil for 45-60 minutes. Allow it to cool and then freeze liquid to be used for sauces and soups.
  2. Dry herbs: Invest in dry herbs such as parsley, oregano, thyme, rosemary, and basil. They add flavor and incredible aroma to food.
  3. Fresh ingredients: Use more fresh ingredients such as ginger and garlic.
  4. Dry fish: Blend your own dry fish for your stews and soups. Most seasoning cubes come in shrimp flavor; what stops you from buying shrimps or crayfish to blend for your food?

Do you have any natural seasoning substitutes that are not listed? Drop a comment below.