Money Saving Tips For Moms Who Like To Control Expenses

money saving tips image of a black woman putting coins into a piggy bank

We get it, mothers, trust us. You’re busy and have other things, besides family, that demand your attention. Whether you’re the one managing activities in the home or have assistance, you still want to be in control. But with all of the exhaustion and demands from work and home, you sometimes just can’t be bothered. You know that you know how to save, and yet the thought of spending time to create a list of actions to take to better manage your budget is exhausting. We’ve got you covered, especially during these trying times for all families. We have created some money saving tips to help guide decisions that will pack some extra change in your wallet.

Cut down on unnecessary groceries 

You read that right. We’re aware that sometimes, or most of the time,  you find yourself returning home with more items than what were on your initial list. Why is this a problem? You’re spending more than you budgeted for, and most likely buying things you really don’t need. Solve this problem with a little exercise by looking through your pantry and identifying items you don’t have and those that are about to run out. This helps you to purchase what you need and the right quantity too.

Consider buying generic products

Most grocery store chains produce generic versions of some products such as salt, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, freezer bags, among others. Compare generic options to popular brand names and you’ll realize that you can save up to about 30%-50% or more without compromising on quality.

Pack lunch to work 

We can’t hammer this enough. Making your own lunch to work provides two benefits for you: Save money and exercise more control over what you consume. So, post-COVID-19 lockdown, consider this when you resume work.    


No, we’re not asking you to paint your house, although it would be great if you could. We’re talking about the small things you could learn to do and not have to pay someone to do. For example, if you need a gardener to help maintain your house plants, a simple Google search will provide tons of information on how to do it yourself instead of paying someone to handle it. Make a list of the simple things you could be handling yourself that you’re currently paying someone to do for you. 

Do you have other money saving tips we should know about? Share them with us on any of our social media platforms and tag @obaasemaafrica