Focus On Strengths – LIFE CHALLENGE Day 2

focusing on Strengths


Our challenge for day 2?

Focus on your strengths instead of elements of your personality that are weaker. For some absurd reason, focusing on our weaknesses sometimes makes us feel “human.” What we don’t realize is that a focus on our strengths rather fuels us and helps us to build and to give to others around us.

Start seeking to use your key strengths everyday by asking yourself the following question:

What am I known for?

Could it be curiosity? If so, then seek to explore or learn something new everyday to expand your knowledge and intellectual experience. It can be as simple as reading news on your favorite online platform in the mornings or having a five minute chat with the street hawker you always drive by asking him/her about his/her line of business.

It’s a great way to end your day feeling fulfilled.

How are you keeping up with the challenge? Use #CreateBalance in your social media posts on the subject in order for us to track it.

Happy balanced life!