Dating Made Easy: See Our List of Dos and Don’t for First Dates

Dating tips - Black man and woman on a date

Dates are quite fun, and a great way to get to know your potential romantic partner. However, there are certain dating behaviors displayed by one party that may be displeasing to the other. These unpleasant behaviors often lead to being ghosted by the other person.

It could be quite disheartening, getting ghosted by your date, especially if you felt it could blossom into a beautiful relationship. While this cannot be remedied in most cases, it can be avoided in future dates by taking cognizance of it.

We’ve compiled a list of dating tips to prevent you from making some common mistakes while on a date. These tips would help you avoid making mistakes when you’re out on your next date, or your first date (if you’ve never been on one).

First date tips

  • Do give your date a nice compliment, especially when they look very attractive to you. This goes a long way in boosting your date’s confidence, and it’s also a great icebreaker. Give them a genuine compliment and watch their face light up with a smile. One important tip is to try not to make the comment seem overly flirty. It might rub the other person the wrong way, leading to them feel uncomfortable. 
  • Don’t comment negatively about their looks— Never do this! Even if you aren’t too pleased by their physical features, don’t mention it out loud. It’ll come off as highly insensitive, which could make things go south. 
  • Do dress and smell nicely for your date. Even if you’re meeting straight from work, at least touch up your appearance a bit. A little spritz of fragrance or cologne, washing your face, applying a light coat of lipgloss, etc. could go a long way in making you look attractive to your date. 
  • Don’t look unkempt. Keep it neat, simple and classy. Also, don’t dress too provocatively, so as not to send the wrong signals, unless that is your intention. 
  • Do give them all your attention while you’re on the date. Switch off your phone and keep it away. Most importantly, maintain eye contact throughout. Doing this will make your date feel special, and make things flow more naturally. It’s also to fully listen to them while they’re talking. 
  • Don’t zone out on your date or text on your phone throughout. It’s not only distasteful, but also shows a lack of respect for the other person’s time. Additionally, do not interrupt your date while they are talking. It’s a rude gesture, especially when done one-too-many times. 
  • Do keep the conversations light and fun. Get to know their opinions and be respectful if they do not align with yours. 
  • Don’t talk about controversial issues, or bring up past relationships. Also, don’t speak ill of other people, whether they know them or not. 
  • Do be polite, courteous and respectful to your date and everyone you interact with while on the date, e.g waiters, security, etc. Be appreciative after the date. Thank them for their time, and for the experience too (unless it wasn’t an enjoyable one).

While there’s no universal rule book for first dates, these dating tips will be a basic guide and help to enhance your date experience. 

Most importantly, do your due diligence before going out with someone. Find out as much as you can about the person beforehand, choose an outdoor location to meet them (if it’s your first time meeting), show up early and try to be as courteous as possible. 

If you’ve been on a date before, share your experience in the comments!