How To Know When It’s Time For Cleansing


Maintaining good health involves being mindful of what you consume and making lifestyle changes that promote balance – mind and body. One of such habits can include the practice of Ayuverdic cleansing to help rid your body of accumulated toxins. But in what ways do your body alert you that it’s cleanse time?   

“We can generally tell we need a cleanse when we start to feel the symptoms of burnout coming on: tiredness, irritability, overwhelmingness and stress,” explains Babs Ofori-Acquah, Yoga Teacher and Wellbeing Coach. “In addition to this, our body gives physical symptoms as a warning sign – this could range from changes in your digestion to inability to sleep.”

Identifying the right cleanse

But each person’s body reacts differently, making it crucial to be in touch with your body in order to know what is normal and what is cause for alarm, advises Ofori-Acquah.  

For an intense cleanse, she recommends a practice in Ayuverda known as Panchakarma. “This is a full cleanse for the body, mind and soul but it is very intensive and requires you to receive multiple treatments a day,” Ofori-Acquah elucidates. 

However, if a busy schedule prevents you from treating yourself to this form of detoxification, you may want to opt for less intense cleanses such as drinking juices and teas that don’t require a detox fast but are specifically designed for detoxifying.  

“Our digestive tract is the part of our physical body that needs the most cleansing, simply because of all the crap we put in it! Our modern diets have become very toxic and so regular cleansing is a must,” says Ofori-Acquah. 

Notwithstanding, it doesn’t have to be a dramatic experience. “Simply being aware of what you’re consuming and making an effort to increase whole foods and reduce processed foods is a form of cleansing,” she adds.  

Ofori-Acquah recommends two simple cleanses to practice at home: The tea cleanse and Kitchari cleanse.  


It is medicinal and contains many properties that can have detoxifying effects on your body. She suggests her personal favorites: soursop leaf tea, black seed tea and rosemary tea.


This is a traditional Ayuverdic dish. The cleansing process requires you to eat a highly nutritious meal made with rice, lentils and spices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

But Ofori-Acquah says moderation is key. “More intense cleanses like Panchakarma should not be overdone, whereas drinking tea for cleansing can be done multiple times in a day.” 

It is important to remember that our bodies are different and will react to cleansing techniques differently, according to Ofori-Acquah. This is why it is crucial to find the right frequency for you and also speak with a medical professional before engaging in any intense cleanses such as juice detoxes.