8 Great Ways To Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

Spiritual Black woman looking up while surrounded by plants

It is no secret that investing in your spiritual health can positively impact overall wellness. The sense of peace and balance it creates in a person is undeniable. But with everything, consistency is key. In order to fully benefit from the rewards of spirituality, you must make the effort to spark an awakening and then deepen it with consistent actions that eventually turn into a lifestyle, and consequently lead to the positive outcome you wish to see.  Here are eight things you can do to help you get there.

  1. Practice mind, body and spirit exercises to help create emotional balance, build strength and better energy. Yoga is one of the best exercises for such. Incorporate it into your lifestyle by practicing at least twice or thrice a week. 
  2. Feel the gratitude. After a long day’s work, you’re most likely exhausted and just want to spend time doing nothing that requires much mental activity. As you rest your mind, try to reflect on anything good that happened to you that day. It may have been a chaotic day, but as challenging as it was, you still made it home safely to be able to get some rest or you’re breathing fine or you filled your stomach with some nutritious meal at lunch. Regardless of how your day went, one thing must have gone right and it is worth reflecting on it and showing gratitude for it.  
  3. Be outwardly focused. Volunteer to help someone else through an NGO or by offering direct help. This shift in focus can sometimes help create and deepen your sense of purpose.  
  4. Set aside special times in your day to fuel your soul with the Word of God. There are so many ways God speaks to us and one of them is through his word. What better way to strengthen the connection than to read words that speak specifically to your situation at a given time?  
  5. Pray more. Whether it is through meditation, reading out the Psalms or just pouring your heart out to God, prayer has a powerful way of not only strengthening your spiritual connection but also eliminating worry and anxiety and inviting God into our daily activities. 
  6. Spend time in nature at least once a week. If you don’t live close to a garden or park, that should not be a limitation. Walking in your street in the wee mornings and listening to birds chirp is close enough to nature. The lack of distractions from honking and car engines at the time makes for a peaceful moment. 
  7. Practice random acts of kindness. Buy someone who would appreciate such help lunch or breakfast and that would make your day.
  8. Love yourself. Love all of who you are. Give yourself a break and say positive things about and to yourself often. 

Make these simple changes and you’ll soon notice an improvement in your spiritual life.